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This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
A logo for the youth empowerment agency
A logo for the youth empowerment agency
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.
This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.

Locally Owned

Nonprofit Organization

This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.


This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.

Locally Owned

Nonprofit Organization


This is a placeholder for the Yext Knolwedge Tags. This message will not appear on the live site, but only within the editor. The Yext Knowledge Tags are successfully installed and will be added to the website.

YEA Programs

YEA is making an effort to engage our youth more in our services and experiences. This group is a commitment for 1 full year of participating in this team of youth. Each member has requirements that they will have to fulfill. 

  1. Attend 1 session of after school programs.
  2. Attend Garden or cooking program.
  3. Attend a Financial Literacy or Entrepreneurship program.
  4. Complete 3 hours of community service.
  5. Parents have to attend 1 parent meeting every quarter (virtual is an option).

There will be perks for all members. Some of those perks are...

  1. First selection for after school or summer experiences.
  2. First selection for community days.
  3. Opportunity to come to backpack drive. 

YEA Leadership Team

YEA is making an effort to engage our youth more in our services and experiences. This group is a commitment for 1 full year of participating in this team of youth. Each member has requirements that they will have to fulfill.

  1. Has to attend 1 community day per quarter (every 3 months).
  2. 4 sessions to reach membership goals in: Nutrition, Entrepreneurship, Healthy Habits, Financial Literacy, Career and College Planning.
  3. Assist with food drop to get community service hours (depends on your school).
  4. Attend 1 focus group (can be a group you start with at least 5 people).
  5. Organize community events after training in Youth Thrive, Leadership, or Entrepreneurship.
  6. Meet once per quarter with career & college rep (every 3 months).
  7. Meet with work experience team to get set up for work during summer and breaks.
  8. Provide 50 hours of community service (done through community feeds, reading to elementary students etc.).
  9. Parents have to attend 1 parent meeting every quarter (virtual is an option).

There will be competitions between the leadership teams at each site and perks for all members. Some of those perks are...

  1. Get to register for community days first.
  2. Summer work experience, register first.
  3. Backpack drive selection first.
  4. Allowed to participate in overnight trips.
  5. Gets to attend YEA Annual Gala as Youth Leadership Representatives.
  6. One on one support in college scholarship search.
  7. Access to community resources, legal support, job shadow, systems navigation etc.
  8. Ability to make extra money through Youth Thrive, after school programs, and partners.

YEA Career Explorations

YEA is making an effort to engage our youth more in our services and experiences. This group is a commitment for 1 full year of participating in this team of young adults. Each member has requirements that they will have to fulfill. 

  1. Has to attend 1 community day per quarter (every 3 months).
  2. 4 sessions to reach membership goals in: Nutrition, Entrepreneurship, Healthy Habits, Financial Literacy, Career and College Planning.
  3. Assist with food drop to get community service hours (depends on your schedule).
  4. Attend 1 focus group (can be a group you start with at least 5 people).
  5. Organize community events after training in Youth Thrive, Leadership, or Entrepreneurship.
  6. Go through the phases of the program (will be based on where you are at).
  7. Conduct a mental wellness check 1 time per year.
  8. 20 Community give back hours per year.

There will be perks for all members. Some of those perks are...

  1. Work experience and career exploration.
  2. Community connection
  3. First option for camp counselors (depending on background).
  4. Housing depending on availability.
  5. Allowed to participate in overnight trips.
  6. Gets to attend YEA Annual Gala.
  7. One on one support in college or job search.
  8. Access to community resources, legal support, job shadow, systems navigation etc.
  9. Ability to make extra money through Youth Thrive, after school programs, and partners.

After School Program 

Here at YEA we explore different activities, help with homework and join us to learn the fundamentals of the game of Soccer, scrimmage, and have fun! Get a healthy snack and scholarships offered.

Elementary and Middle School: $75 per month for Tuesday and Thursday 4pm to 6pm transportation is limited.

We have 2 community soccer teams with slots open grades 3/4 and grades 5/6 can join Soccer City's community team. We need registration by Tuesday, September 12th.

YEA is making an effort to engage our youth more in our services and experiences. This group is a commitment for 1 full year of participating in this team of youth. Each member has requirements that they will have to fulfill.

  1. Attend after school programs.
  2. Attend Garden or cooking program.
  3. Complete 3 hours of community service.
  4. Parents have to attend 1 parent meeting every quarter (virtual is an option). 

There will be perks for all members. Some of those perks are...

  1. First selection for after school or summer experiences.
  2. First selection for community days.
  3. Opportunity to come to backpack drive.

Youth Empowerment Agency is a My Spark Denver provider. My Spark gives DPS middle school students $1,000 to spend on youth activities like ours! If your child is a DPS middle school student who qualifies for free or reduced lunch, you are eligible to participate.

Learn more and apply at MySparkDenver.org. After you’re approved, My Spark will mail you a $1,000 debit card to use at participating My Spark Denver programs through August 2024.

Research shows that students who participate in activities outside of school develop stronger social skills, experience improved mental health, and are more academically successful in school.

We encourage you to sign up for My Spark Denver! Help us spread the word and connect every child to enriching youth activities!

Registration link for all programs and Camps


Youth Empowerment Agency Membership

Get help when you need it.

(720) 637-8677

(720) 637-8677
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